01 - It Must Be Fate, Extras, Peters Legacy

Extras – Peters Legacy Gen. 1 “Outtakes”

I have bad news… I’m coming to you with no new story updates. I know, I said I was doing Simno… what happened? Well… if you really must know…

*cue hisses, boos, and feel free to throw some tomatoes if you’d like.*

I am, however, now diligently snapping away the pictures for the next chapter. I’m shooting for Silver level now, since I have ~5,000 words to accompany them, and there is no way I can get another 5,000-word chapter written and shot by the end of September!


Today I’ve come bearing a peace offering. These are old pictures, most of which didn’t “make the cut” or were for storylines that wound up in the scrap heap. I’ll include a few captions to provide context.

This is one of the very first times I played Oliver. I started out playing this story – can you believe it?! This is from his and Courtney’s first “date” in college.

In the very, very original storyline, Fatima and Keegan got married, but Courtney was broken up about it due to their previous relationship. She wound up leaving the reception early (despite being a bridesmaid because fuck it) and ended up in a dive bar, where she met Oliver, or ran into him after not seeing him for years, depending on the version of progress.

Another pic of when I was actually playing Oliver and Courtney at Sims U.

In the original Halloween, nobody died, and Oliver featured a lot more dressed as a robot. It was, frankly, adorable.

In this timeline, Oliver wanted a selfie with Courtney (because duh, he’s got a massive crush on her) and Fatima wormed her way in there. Of course she did. it’s not rude to diss dead sims in a timeline where they’re still alive right?

This is Kat and Frankie’s first date, from the timeline where they did get married.

This is probably one of my absolute favorite shots I’ve taken for this whole story. And it never made it in. It’s tragic, really. This is Lily and Carson, Courtney’s brother and sister-in-law, at Kat’s wedding reception.

I was going to include some pictures of Kat forcing Courtney to try on various dresses for the Christmas dinner at Oliver’s house, but they were cut because they were pretty superfluous.

But, I mean… damn, Courtney! Though you can tell that she is not comfortable with that slit!

These pictures actually did make it into the story, but they’re smaller due to being used with a FaceTime PSD. I really, really love these pictures of Kat. I think she’s a super gorgeous sim and I was really mad at myself for making her second! Not that Courtney isn’t beautiful, but, I mean… come on, her sister practically looks like an angel in that top one!

Well, that’s all I’ve got. If anyone’s interested, I can try to break into my hard drive and I’ll go digging around for more of these, I know I’ve got some more hiding in there… I hope you enjoyed these little peeks at what might have been!

P.S. As a bonus for making it all the way to the end, I’ll give you a tiny piece of next chapter! If you follow my simblr, you might have already seen this one.

And there you have it! Until next time!

6 thoughts on “Extras – Peters Legacy Gen. 1 “Outtakes””

  1. How does Oliver look adorable in everything??? 😍
    I also love that wedding shot, so pretty and soft ❤ Weddings are the best, now I'm excited to hurry up and be able to make mine.
    Awww yes that guitar pose has got to be one of my favourites — Oliver teaching Courtney how to play guitar? On a beautiful night in front of a fire? Please and thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m still trying to figure that one out, myself. I am all at once happy and sad that there won’t be a big wedding this generation. I did do all the decorating for Kat’s abandoned wedding, though, so it feels like there already was 😂 God, it’s so much decorating.

      I agree! It’s a gorgeous pose and I might just have to write a short scene to go with the shot, as it is now it goes with words that are basically an explanation of stuff that happened & a time skip.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oooh, that’s a good question. Not specifically because I only took pics I needed for the story. Once I can get my hard drive hooked up to a different computer I will try to look. I did a thing that fucked up the D: drive and nothing I’ve tried has fixed it so far.


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